

What are the Characteristics of a Dreamer? Something that is very interesting is how many people will dream rather than do. We are all dreamers of sorts. It does not take much to have a dream, and everyone has them. But most just settle and don’t try to make that dream a reality. Life does not have to be something that we just let pass by, we can live to the fullest, with no regrets, here is a bit of insight in how. Take the Shot “You miss 100% of the shots you do not take.” This is something that is very true. When you are a dreamer, you always will find a new dream, or even a vision. The hard part is putting it into action. Anything that comes with pursuing something you want is 90% psychological. You have to know you want it, and how you want to get it before starting the journey. If your head is in the game, everything else will follow. Dreamers are Visionaries, We are great at starting things, generating ideas, questioning the system and inspiring others. We identify potential


The more I think about the idea of jumping into a healthier lifestyle, the more I started wondering about what it actually means. Obviously, the idea is to get back to a healthier version of you. That’s pretty simple, right? My mind as a trainer always goes to one simple question. Why did you stop? Ask yourself that right now. Why did you stop eating healthy? Why did you stop exercising? I’m sure all of you have had hiccups in life that can derail us from our goals. We all try to climb the mountain of good habits to only fall back down when those hiccups come up again. So, how can we jump into a healthier you? How can you find your ice axe to stop the free-fall down the mountain? These are five simple elements for you to focus on and can become your ice axe. Hopefully, these are simple enough to get you started today, but also are easy to remember the next time you’re looking for motivation.  Just get Started Simple right? Do you want to know the best time to get started? No not to


I’ve been there, I feel like a lot of people have. The time in your life where you either watch an inspirational movie or see someone on Instagram with an amazing physique and think “I’m going to get on my gym grind and get shredded!”. So the next week you start up and begin to actually enjoy yourself with the health benefits that come along with exercise, but after that initial week or month is up, you quickly realize that it’s a very challenging and long commitment if you want to get results. This realization causes so many to become discouraged and slowly drift away from the gym, I went through this stage 3 times my first year of training before I fully engaged myself. It’s a vicious cycle that will keep you in it’s path unless you find these 3 key factors. 1. Why. Why do you want to go to the gym? Why do you want to start exercising? You need to ask yourself these questions and find the answers, this very well may be the MOST important part to committing yourself as it is your


Airports. Crowded tourist destinations. Rest stops. Crappy hotel food. Travel. There is a lot that can stop you from eating well while you vacation. Don’t let your travels turn into a diet disaster. Here are some tips to prevent your eating from going off track so that you can enjoy your vacation. Eat regular meals.  As difficult as it can be fitting your three meals a day (or more) into your schedule when you’re running through security to get to your gate or trying to see every tourist attraction before you leave, take a few minutes out of your super busy day and find some time to eat. Even if this means squeezing a sandwich into your bag into your bag, eating enough and at proper times during the day will help prevent you from getting “ hangry ” and in return, will help you to actually enjoy your travels. The same goes with water (don’t forget to hydrate!). Pack snacks.  If you don’t have enough time to sit down for an actual meal, bring some foods with you that are filling and ea


When it comes to wellness and having a healthy relationship with both your mind and body, mindful eating is the way to go. It is exactly what it sounds like—using the mind to guide what you put in your body. Most people use mindful eating without even knowing it, but people who have been trying to diet and/or suffer with eating disorders have thrown away the mindful approach. Of all the “diets” out there, this one is the most successful as it puts you in tune with your body and allows you to eat exactly what and how much food you need. Here are some tips on how go about this! Eat what your body tells you to eat.  You may think that eating what you crave will lead to disaster, especially if you are one of those people who craves massive amounts of junk food. The thing is that cravings tell you what your body NEEDS. Once you give into the craving, your body will be begin to be satisfied because you have given it sufficient nutrients. This will eventually lead to much fewer cravings all


I have struggled with anxiety and sadness a lot over the past few months and I still continue to do it. Am I the only one having this problem? Why do I keep on recalling old pictures and memories in my mind? What if I am not powerful enough to face the challenges standing in my way? What if all the doubts in my head turn out to be true? These are all part of the worries I have to face every day. Hopefully I have received some knowledge which lifts me above negativity. So I will try to share some of it with you. 1. No matter how bad your mood is, it always improves with time!  Imagine that your troubling thoughts and uncertainties are just clouds going over your head – they pass with time and eventually the sun shines again. 2. They don’t define you!  Each hour an average of 2500 to 3000 thoughts are going through your head so ask yourself how many are actually serving you. Do you define yourself with them? If you do that you are making a huge mistake because this simply isn’t true.


Here are five simple ways to keep your marriage warm and alive. Daily doses of hugs and kisses Make it a habit of hugging or kissing your spouse early in the morning before leaving for work. This may look trivial but it will become a second nature once you do it every day. This act of love, albeit simple, is very powerful indeed. It helps to break down barriers easily should you faced with future conflicts. Offering compliments We often forget that before we are husband and wife, we are men and women. As time passed by, you forget how gorgeous she looks in that red dress or how good he smells in the aftershave. Put an effort to compliment each other even if it’s out of your way to do so. If you forget, just text him or her! Date nights After having kids, spending time together is proven to be so much harder. However, a loving relationship between husband and wife is the essence of a happy family. Invest in hiring a babysitter at least once or twice a week so that you could spend