When it comes to wellness and having a healthy relationship with both your mind and body, mindful eating is the way to go. It is exactly what it sounds like—using the mind to guide what you put in your body. Most people use mindful eating without even knowing it, but people who have been trying to diet and/or suffer with eating disorders have thrown away the mindful approach. Of all the “diets” out there, this one is the most successful as it puts you in tune with your body and allows you to eat exactly what and how much food you need. Here are some tips on how go about this!

Eat what your body tells you to eat. You may think that eating what you crave will lead to disaster, especially if you are one of those people who craves massive amounts of junk food. The thing is that cravings tell you what your body NEEDS. Once you give into the craving, your body will be begin to be satisfied because you have given it sufficient nutrients. This will eventually lead to much fewer cravings all together. Although that double stuffed Oreo may seem like an unhealthy choice, your body wants it for a reason. The key to eating what you crave if eating everything in moderation! This leads to our next tip.

Follow your hunger signals. These are nature’s way of telling you how much to eat. When being mindful of your hunger, you want to stay at a between a 4 and a 6 on the hunger scale most of the time (1 being starving and 10 being completely stuffed). This is the most effective and healthy way to either maintain or slowly lose weight as your body will find its natural “setpoint.” Another thing to note is that it’s okay to find yourself at a 7 or 8 or even towards a 3 at times. One big meal or binge will not offset everything!

Put away all distractions when eating. Eating is most enjoyable and satisfying when you use all of your senses. Turn off the T.V., phone, and music as this detracts from the experience. Really think about taking in the smell, sight, texture, and of course taste of your meal (and maybe even sound in some cases!). Don’t jam food into your mouth but make eating an enjoyable experience in all respects.

Mindful eating takes time. It takes time to discover what is best for your body. It takes time to adjust to your hunger cues. It takes time to find what foods you really enjoy. Don’t expect to be perfect at this approach in a day. It is all one big journey in which you will get better at over time.

If you have been struggling with staying in touch with your body’s cravings and hunger signals because of dieting, an eating disorder, or any other reason, use these tips to guide you back onto the right path. Getting to a healthy weight, body, and mindset does not need to involve restriction. Your body know’s what is best for you, so don’t go against that! Thank you for reading!


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